EGLE is made possible by the generous support of compassionate individuals, businesses and organizations around the world.

We are committed to ensuring that every girl in need of help receives it—completely free of charge. However, we cannot do this alone. Your donations will directly fund our trauma resolution camps, providing life-changing therapy, safe spaces, and healing activities for the girls who need it the most.

Your generous contribution will help cover:

  • The costs of organizing and running the trauma camps
  • Transportation, feeding and lodging for licensed therapists and counselors
  • Educational materials, supplies, and therapeutic resources
  • Safe spaces for girls to share, heal, and grow
  • Travel and accommodation for those attending from remote areas

Together, We Can Make a Difference

With your support, we can continue to provide these critical services to girls in Liberia. Each camp we hold provides healing and empowerment for dozens of girls, and each girl who attends leaves with the strength to move forward in their lives, equipped with the tools to heal and succeed.

Thank you for standing with us and with the girls of Liberia. Together, we can bring healing, hope, and empowerment to those who need it the most!

EGLE is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.

Here are some examples of what your donations support:

  • $10usd provides transportation and snacks for each EGLE girl to attend counseling sessions weekly (a total of 12 sessions is recommended).

  • $200usd provides sponsorship for a girl to attend EGLE Trauma Resolution Camp.

  • $100usd provides monthly internet services for EGLE girls to have weekly counseling sessions.

  • $1000usd provides sponsorship for EGLE girls to attend their weekend self-esteem and confidence building daily retreat.

  • $10,000usd covers an ENTIRE 10-days trauma resolution camp for 45-50 girls.


Donate To EgleGirls

Help Girls See What They Can Be


Join the fight of our lives.

We’re empowering you to be the truth tellers, the rule makers, and the rally voices. We can’t do this alone, and neither should you.