Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, our supporter care team is ready to help.

Supporter enquiries

If you would like to send a donation by post, discuss supporting our work, or update your mailing preferences, please use the details below.


Dyawulu Cooperative Learning Center
Roberts Field Highway, Paynesville, Liberia


Contact Person – Pastor Favour D. Browne-Williams 
Phone: +231 88 663 2695

Mrs. Ruby Martin – Executive Director, Liberia
Phone: +231886515595

Mr. James Kokulo – Program Coordinator
Phone: +231777422625

USA Contact:

Goumah Conde, MA., LMFT – President, Founder

Augustin Conde – Vice President, Co-Founder


We aim to respond to emails within two working days, letters within five working days, and to phone calls either on the day or the next working day if it’s made outside of working hours.

Please note that during busy periods, such as emergency or disaster appeals, it might take us longer than usual to get back to you.